We believe that Home is where the heart is and Home is where you are most comfortable. Our Home Care services are responsive, reliable and maintain your dignity and respect at all times.
Our aim is to enable you to increase and maintain your independence and to ensure your health and general wellbeing.
Our Home Care Services Include;
- Domiciliary Care
- Companionship Care
- End of Life Care
- Live in Care
- Overnight Care
- Respite Care
- Learning Disabilities
- Home From Hospital
Assessments and Care Planning
In order to determine the appropriate care package for you and identify your needs, our care team will carry out an assessment of needs which can be completed at your home at a time that suits you.
We will go through various questions to determine your needs to produce a personalised and outcome focused Care/ Support Plan and Risk Assessments. These will be developed with your input, your family or representatives to identify how your needs will be met and setting out the outcomes to be achieved.
Once agreed we can arrange when care will commence including the calls times and care tasks that our staff will assist you with.
If and when your needs change, we will review your Care/Support Plan and Risk Assessments to ensure that the service we are providing is adapted to your needs at all times.

Who We Care For
- People with mental health problems including dementia
- People who may be physically frail or with physical disabilities
- People who have sensory loss
- People who are entering the end stages of life
- People with learning disabilities
- People with autism
- People with cognitive impairment
- People in need of specialist health care

Typical Care Tasks
- Assistance with daily tasks
- Assistance to get up or go to bed
- Washing and bathing
- Nutrition and healthy eating
- Cooking and meal preparation
- Cleaning and support around the home
- Shaving and hair care, denture and mouth care, hand and fingernail care, foot care
- Toileting and incontinence management
- Emptying or changing catheter or stoma bags
- Assistance with skin care such as moisturising very dry skin
- Supporting choice of what to wear for the day
- Dressing and undressing
- Medication management and administration
- Attending appointments and collecting prescriptions
- Supporting and facilitating access to social, vocational and recreational activities

Our Staff
- Are friendly, caring, well-trained and professional
- Arrive on time and stay for the whole of your agreed care slot
- Take time to know you and understand your care needs
- Carry out the tasks outlined in your care plan
- Keep you informed of everything regarding your care
- Have regard for your equality and diversity
- Upholds your human rights